Tuesday, February 28, 2006

My thoughts and conversation in caferoom!:-)

1. Just the other day, the discussion in our caferoom took off about Iran nuclear power and many things going on in Iran. Then, we ended up talking about Heaven and hell and beliefs. Then, they told me so, since you are technically a muslim you would go directly to Heaven!!
I replied, I think I pass the Heaven with its many virgins and other extraordinary facilities. I would rather go to hell. They surprisingly, looked at me and asked me why?
I said: the truth is; that I may not know anyone there!! So, I'd rather go to hell, where I know more people there!!:)

2. Recently, I came to realize that I am a big time addict!! I use this damn materials everyday, until I get completely high! If I don't do it, I feel the day is not a real one!! After all these years, now, I am realizing this fact. may be too late! but I try my best to reduce it, reuse it, recycycle it!!(what am I talking about, this is not an environmental issue!!)
Do not take me wrong, I am not addicted to drug or something! I am addicted to internet and computer!! Yes, this horrible machinery!!
why you wonder?
1. I surf on average 3 hours a day! news and other sites!
2. I would rather contact my parents and friends via e-mail than telephone!
3. I spend on average an hour answering people's e-mail.
4. I spend more than 2 hours on average typing reports and logs on computer.
5. I chat with people on computer on average of 2 hours!
6. I use computer to do modeling, calculation, etc.
7. I listen to different radio and songs with my computer
8. I opened my first e-mail in 1992 on yahoo!
9. I receive my papers all as a pdf file attached to an e-mail.
10. I buy, check schedules for transportaion, maps on computer!
11. I have a laptop!
12. I have a PDA!
12. The only thing yet to be tried is to have sex over internet!!!(I pass that for the time being!)

all and all, I am thinking I should soon or later reduce the dose of this internet addiction, so I can little get on with my life! cross the fingers, I hope for curing this addiction!!:)

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