For the past few weeks the institute that I am working in wanted apparently to do some engineering business with Iran. For the past few weeks those involved were so enthusiastic about it and were asking me what to do and where to go.
Today, they said they have cancelled the trip because it is too dangerous to go to Iran!
They were asking me have I seen the news on TV? did you see young people were setting European embassies on fire!! They had heard these people set fire on Swiss flag since it looks like Denish flag! So, if we go they may spot us because we look European and get us killed!! So, it is not safe to go!
Just a few stupid, uneducated people make these moves and other must pay the price!
This expression once again came to mind: A mad person throw a stone into deep well, no wise man can take it out! DIvani sangi mindazeh to Chah, 1000 aghel nemitonan daresh biyaran!
A caricatur is published more than 4 months ago in a Denish newspaper and after all these months, it gets attention?? this tells me some people are materilizing on this issue big time.
I wonder so many caricatures are published in Arabs newspaper in regard of Jew and Christians. Have they taken any hostage from these countires or set their embassies on fire??
II. another thought it is that these people who are demonstrating, they are infact feed up with their own government and want to take blame on someone. May be the main reason is this! who know? In Iran I think they went to see if they can get a visa in quick and dirty way!:-)
History tends to repeat itself!
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