Saturday, August 06, 2005

Couple of interesting points on Switzerland
1. The girl is really messy! She also doesn't clean the kitchen after she is done. She would do that about 24 hours later!!

2. In North of Switzerland they technically supposed to speak German. This is quite different from Hoch Deutsch that is common in Germany. I would like to share a few words with you that are vital if you ever passed by this County!
1. Gruetzi it is pronounced Grootsi= Hi to One!
2. Mitnander pronounced Mit-And-Nander=Hello to Two and more!
3. Ahoi Suzam, pronounced Hoi-Sizamn! means hello all!!
4. In Hoch German they say : Es ist schon gut! It means It is good, now.
These guys pronouce Es ist schon gut as E-CH Goote!
5. Guten Appetite is E-Guotte!!!
6. Schweitz=Switzerland=Schwitz Pronouced Shwits!!!
6. Essen=to eat=Asse!!!
however, this is Spoken German, when they write they are supposed to write hoch German, however, they use lots of English, French and Italian words in them!!

3. These guy really pay attention to quality rather than qualtity, unlike North Americans. The food comes in small portion but in good quality.
I think they have heard this Persian expression: Eat Always, eat less! Kam bokhor Hamisheh Bokhor!!

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