Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Presentation in one of universities in Tehran

I am supposed to give a lecture on biomechanics to group of professors and students in one of the universities in. In any case, I was called in right at lunch time by a lady who wishes to tell me something about this presentation, today. Conversation goes like that:

Lady: Hi, I am calling from …University in regard of your presentation this coming Thursday. I am told to arrange everything you require for this event. I have couple of questions, may I ask you them.

Me: Hi, please go ahead ask.

Lady: what is the title of the presentation you wish to present? Can you translate it in Persian? Can you present your lecture in English?!!

Me: hum, I gave out a summary of my work to dean (head) of Biomedical department! Have you seen it? When did you become a person who takes care of this arrangement? Do not ask me to translate it in Persian since I have no idea what they mean in proper Persian! You do it yourself and if my help needed please let me know. Sure, I can give the lecture in English. May I ask why I should give this presentation in English?

Lady: ok, sure, I become aware of your presentation yesterday!!… Head of our department feels it is better to give out this presentation in English… ok, so, we do the translation… hum, Can I see you in person?!?!?

Me: see me in person? Sure, you will see me in person on Thursday! E-mail me if you need to consult me!!

Lady: Ok, then can I reach you at this number!

Me: sure! But I think everything is already arranged since I have talked to Mr. … about it!

Lady: ok, see you soon!!!

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