Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Some public announcement!

1. I consider public announcement:
I was just listening to radio this morning and heard about that Oral contraceptives (i.e. anti-pregnency and birth control pills) increase risk of cancer and in particular breat cancer for women under 35! however, some suggest it helps!! who knows, so do cost, effective analysis when you take one:)

Although Bob Rae was not that helpfull to foreigners during his term as premier of Ontario (i.e. get rid of OHIP for foreign students), whenever I look at him it reminds me of my own uncle! They two look quite similar! or at least they looked similar! I have to admit, he is just a few politicians who are quite educated and speaks wellEnglish!
Having said that he is currently running for liberal party leadership!
what makes me wonder is the fact he used to be a NDP (New Democratic Party) leader in Ontario [Left wing party in Canada]. As he describes himself, he has alwyas been centeric person in his belief! Anyhow, his comeback is interesting becasue admitting he has made many mistekes in the past, however, he has learned and has more experiences, now. good luck to him!

The interesting quotation he has written in his article in the Globe and Mail starts like this:

"At the end of his life, Sir Wilfrid Laurier said that his essentional beliefs could be expressed in a few word:
Love is sronger than hate, and faith is stronger than doubt."

Mr. Rae concludes that Laurier reminds us that Canada [I say in any status and level of life]is at its best when it includes everyone, when it is generous, when it believes strongly in itself.
Bob Rae biography in Short.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Earth day and 3R's

1. Those who know me, know that I am in some extend environmentalist and those who don't know, have realized that by now:). [due to earth day event, I haven't shaved for past 4 days so, trying to conserve energy:-)]
So, it is Earth Day . In this site you can read about campaigns existing to save earth. one of the is entitled "Climate Change Solutions Campaign.

As an environmental concern I once again I recommend the use of clean energy like solar or wind or wave than nuclear based power stations.[of course, people would say who cares what you say:-)]
Also, let's not forget: Reduce, Reuse, and recycle

did you know, Ms. Masoumeh Ebtekar; ex-President of the office of environment and Preserve during Mr. Khatami time, has become one of 7 people known as champion of Earth!

I didn't know that she was able to do so many things: [taken from BBC Site

دفتر برنامه محيط زيست سازمان ملل متحد (UNEP) برای دومين سال متوالی با برگزاری مراسمی به مديران برجسته ای که با ابتکارات و اقدامات خود به حفظ محيط زيست خدمت کرده اند جوايزی اهدا کرده است.

اين جوايز ارزش مادی ندارد و پشتيبانان مالی برنامه محيط زيست سازمان ملل به جای اينکه به برندگان مبلغی اهدا کنند، به مؤسسه ای به نام حيات وحش آسيا (Wildlife Asia) کمک مالی می کنند.

مراسم امسال در سنگاپور برگزار شد و برندگان جوايز آن که عنوان "قهرمان زمين" را به خود اختصاص دادند عبارت بودند از ميخائيل گورباچف، آخرين رهبر اتحاد شوروی، تولده برهان گبره اگزابر مديرکل حفاظت از محيط زيست اتيوپی، تامی کوه، سفير سيار در وزارت امورخارجه سنگاپور، رزا النا سيمئون نگرين وزير محيط زيست کوبا، معصومه ابتکار، رئيس پيشين سازمان حفاظت محيط زيست ايران، سازمان آمريکايی زنان فعال در محيط زيست و توسعه و محمد عشری از مصر، رئيس پيشين صندوق تسهيلات جهانی محيط زيست.

معصومه ابتکار که عنوان "قهرمان زمين" را از سازمان ملل کسب کرده طی سالهای 1997 تا 2005 ميلادی در زمان رياست جمهوری محمد خاتمی، رئيس سازمان حفاظت محيط زيست بود که يکی از معاونتهای رياست جمهوری به شمار می رود.

وی نخستين زنی بود که در دوران حکومت جمهوری اسلامی به سمتی در اين سطح دست يافت.

دفتر محيط زيست سازمان ملل در تقدير از خانم ابتکار اعلام کرده که سازمان حفاظت محيط زيست ايران در زمان مديريت او تجديد سازمان يافت و جايگاهی معتبر در جهان کسب کرد؛ اساسنامه آن اصلاح شد، بيش از يکهزار و پانصد سمت جديد در آن ايجاد شد، کارکنان آن بازآموزی شدند تا آنجا که شمار کارکنان دارای مدرک دانشگاهی در آن طی هشت سال مديريت خانم ابتکار از 25 درصد به هفتاد درصد افزايش يافت.

تشکيل دفاتر سازمان حفاظت محيط زيست در 57 شهر کوچک، تأسيس ده مرکز جديد تحقيقاتی در شهرستانها، تأسيس موزه تنوع اقليمی در پارک پرديسان تهران و بازسازی بنيادی اين پارک و پايه گذاری شبکه ای از پنجاه آزمايشگاه مدرن و مجهز برای سنجش آلودگی آب، خاک و هوا و تجهيز نيروی سه هزار نفره محيطبانان از ديگر اقداماتی است که سازمان ملل متحد به عنوان دستاوردهای خانم ابتکار به آنها اشاره کرده است.

بنابر آماری که سازمان ملل منتشر کرده، وسعت مناطق حفاظت شده در ايران در مدت مديريت خانم ابتکار از 4.75 درصد کل خاک ايران به 7.75 درصد يعنی معادل يازده ميليون هکتار افزايش يافته، وصعت جنگلهای حفاظت شده در سال 1998 به ده درصد کل جنگلها رسيده و سه پارک جنگلی تازه احداث شده است.

اين آمار همچنين حاکی از اين است که طی هشت سال مديريت معصومه ابتکار، شمار تشکلهای غيردولتی فعال در زمينه محيط زيست از بيست به 650 افزايش يافت، شبکه ای از اين تشکلها سازمان يافت و اعضای شوراهای شهروروستا تحت آموزش در زمينه محيط زيست قرار گرفتند.

آن گونه که سازمان ملل متحد اعلام کرده، طی اين دوره، با حمايت سازمان حفاظت محيط زيست ايران بيست دوره کامل آموزشی مرتبط با محيط زيست در دانشگاههای مختلف راه اندازی شده و بيست مرکز تحقيقاتی جديد در اين زمينه تأسيس شده است.

اهدای جوايز ساليانه در زمينه محيط زيست، راه اندازی جشنواره بين المللی فيلم سبز نيز از جمله دستاوردهای دوران مح

تدوين نخست برنامه ملی محيط زيست، گنجاندن طرحهای محيط زيستی در برنامه سوم پنج ساله توسعه ايران، تأسيس دفاتر محيط زيست در کليه وزارتخانه ها و سياستهای سختگيرانه در زمينه آلودگی محيط زيست نيز از جمله دستاوردهای حضور خانم ابتکار در هيئت دولت ايران دانسته شده که در نتيجه آن، آن گونه که در آمار سازمان ملل آمده، سه هزار واحد صنعتی در اطراف بيست شهر ايران سيستمهايی برای تصفيه آب آلوده و جلوگيری از آلودگی محيط زيست راه انداختند.

بنابر اين آمار، سازمان حفاظت محيط زيست ايران باعث شده است پانزده خط توليد خودرو به علت عدم تطبيق با مقررات زيست محيطی از کار بازايستند و 53 خط توليد خودرو بهبود يابند که در نتيجه ميزان خروج گازها و ذرات آلوده کننده از اين خودروها هشتاد درصد کاهش يافته است.

سازمان ملل، توقف مصرف بنزين سربدار در سال 2002 در ايران و تشويق به جايگزينی گاز طبيعی به جای سوختهای رايج در کارخانه ها، نيروگاهها و خودروها در اين کشور را از ديگر اقداماتی دانسته که سازمان تحت مديريت معصومه ابتکار برای کاستن از آلودگی محيط زيست انجام داده و همچنين از اقداماتی موفقيت آميز ياد کرده که اين سازمان در جهت کاهش از آلودگی هوای تهران انجام داده است.

از جمله ديگر موفقيتهايی که دفتر محيط زيست سازمان ملل متحد برای مديريت خانم ابتکار برشمرده، اجرای طرح بازيافت زباله در بيش از پنجاه شهر بزرگ است.

معصومه ابتکار که 45 سال دارد در آمريکا تحصيل کرده اما با وقوع انقلاب در ايران به کشورش بازگشته و تحصيلاتش را تا دريافت دکتری ايمنی شناسی در اين کشور به پايان رسانده و سپس به تدريس در دانشگاه پرداخته است.

خانم ابتکار به عنوان سخنگوی دانشجويانی که در نوامبر 1979 سفارت آمريکا در تهران را اشغال کرد در رسانه های غرب شهرت يافت و روزنامه های آمريکايی از او با نام "مری" ياد می کردند.

پس از آنکه محمدخاتمی رياست مؤسسه مطبوعاتی کيهان را به عهده گرفت، سردبيری روزنامه انگليسی زبان کيهان اينترنشنال را در سال 1981 به معصومه ابتکار سپرد و سرانجام با تشکيل دولت خود در سال 1997 وی را به رياست سازمان حفاظت محيط زيست گمارد.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Some unrelated mixed thoughts to myself!

Nice Patio!

1. In less than 24 hours I flying to Canada, I was thinking to myself,
which of these three words describes me the best:

1. Egoist: a doctrine that individual self-interest is the actual motive of all conscious action

2. Self-centered: concerned solely with one's own desires

3. Selfish: concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself

Does choice of leaving Iran and leave behind Family and friends consider a selfish act? I tend to forget why I left Iran at the first place! I had a trauma for my right eye and that made me to keep traveling! I think it is difficult for me to leave any of these three traits and start to be different. I have thought carefully and came to this conclusion that when I was younger started my life in west, I lived so much alone, ...[censored due to unIslamic content:-)]! So, that condition has given me a character which can be described by the above words! So, shall I blame those years of what I am today! perhaps not!
I have decided to start a self-improvement. Of course, this has different dimensions!
hard to get rid of all those selfish at once, needs many years of hard work!

2. Due to request of Government of Alireza and with enforcement of local law this part is censored!:-)

3. When it comes to marriage we tend to classify our potentional partner in three catergories: (I would think so)
marriage material or perhaps Mr. & Mrs. nice person!
The hanky or beauty person: muscular or voluptuos fan person to be with
and of course the one that we tend to have offspring with!
does that consider to be a good classification?
I think the worst is to be Mr. nice person! Can we find a person that contains all three traits?
oh, I better get some sleep! :)

4. Many years ago when I was buying yearly calender, there was one name in Iran that was right at the first page of that calender Dr. Iraj Karim Pour. He is the one who knows how the calenders are made and what is meaning of date and years.
The most interesting article I read in Persian today is bbc interview with him. He describes how sophisticated Iranian were to choose the solar Calender and what are the pitfall of that. Apparently, UNISCO is choosing the original Iranian Calender. Read the whole story here.
If you can't read and the link is censord let me know I would copy and paste it here.

5. The last not the least Esteghlal finally won the Primier Iranianlige. DOODOOR DOODOOR Esteghlal:)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I announce my full independency, here and now!

People must know that I give up the notion of having a partner! Today, world must talk to me quite differently! Of course, I myself welcome me to the club of all ZZZs (Zan Zalil Zereshpolo)!

I, here now, am announcing while I am celebrating my very own right of completely being independent!

1. I can cook for myself in less than 30 minutes, something eatable! Plus, I can cook some Persian and non-Persian dishes!

2. I can clean my own flat! With all these high-tech gadgets around!!

3. I can separate the colors and white gears without any help what-so-ever put them in the laundry and washing machine, I even help my flatmates to use the dryer in our house! (my help was plugging the electrical cable into jack!)

4. Herewith, I loudly announce that I finally was able to iron about 3.5 x 3.5 cm of my own shirt without any help what-so-ever with very high-tech ironing tools that was bought by our guesthouse!

I here declare very loudly to all those who think it is necessary to find a partner, for the stated works, I say not!!
I am my very own partner and no need for anyone! have I said what-so-ever!!?

Sign: The signle want to be couple!!

I am off to Canada next week, if you don't see me bless me with your words:)

Monday, April 17, 2006

A box of Tea!

As I am growing [because I realize for many years I was stuck in my childhood and some simple thoughts that I could hardly let go, now I am slowly let them go!] and becoming older, I have been developing this sense of appreciation for simple art work and interior design and architecture!
Couple of days ago I had gone for shopping, I saw this wooden box of tea which I have been wanting for a long time and wished to have it! [photo above]. I always felt that is cool if someone asks for a tea, and you offer her/him the tea in box of red wooden tea. It is cool to put different flavors into the box. It quite reminds of the movie Forst Gump, though I changed it like this: “life is like box of tea, you never know what you get, unless you open it and taste it”.
I know this is not so much of tradition in Iran, since we are not big fan of the tea bag. However, I have to admit that quality of some the tea bags are improving.
I was site seeing a few days ago in old town of Zurich. I started to break away from routine pedestrian area and walk up the hill in the old town of Zurich. I realized the quality of cars and people who were there are changing! The cars started to become Mercedes, BMW, Ferarri and people who had designer gears on, it was easy to recognize I got on high class street! So, I kept walking until I found myself someplace vast in circular form where it had a view to some of the houses around and part of limmat St. and river.
The picture above shows how a patio in a house is put together. I quite enjoyed it and felt to put it up to at least recall things can be changed even if it is in old, and weary condition. Cheers!

Interesting interview!

I am not advertising this site. However, it has interesting interview with Ex-shah of Iran. This interview is done 1976 and apparently they had named Shah of Iran the Emperor of Oil!
It worth reading, just go to the site and scroll down a little, you will see the interview. It is in Persian.

part of it:
پرسش : اعليحضرت، هنوز باور داريد که ايران به يک قدرت جهانی تبديل خواهد شد؟
جواب : آری، من فکر می کنم در 25 سال آينده بسيار کار ها می توان انجام داد. شايد من نباشم ولی پيشتر بنيان کارها ريخته خواهد شد.1
در دوازده يا 13 سال چهار چوب اساسی در هر زمينه ای بطور محکم ريخته خواهد شد. و از همانجا ما طرح های خود را با استفاده از موقعيت ها برای توليد امکانات و قدرت پيش خواهيم برد – اقتصادی، صنعتی و نيروی انسانی که از همه مهمتر هستند.1
شايد نفت تا آن زمان تمام شود، گر چه من اميدوارم در ده سال آينده بتوانيم صرفه جوئی در نفت را آغاز کنيم. در ضمن ما بسوی استفاده از نيروی اتمی و انرژي خورشيدی خواهيم رفت. ما نبايستی در راه پيشرفت دچار بحران اقتصادی بشويم. کشور پهناور است و ما زمين سترون فراوانی در اختيار داريم و بنظر نمی رسد که آلودگی هوا مشکلی باشد. ما بايستی در ذخيره انرژی و استفاده از پتروشيمی پيشقدم شويم. همچنين ما بايستی ذخيره گاه بکنيم. ما مردم خود را آموزش خواهيم داد که بتوانند در زمينه های مختلف اين کشور را از جمله يکی از فريبنده ترين کشور ها بشود.

Q: Your highness, do you believe that Iran will turn to a super power in future?

Shah:Yes, I think there are a lot of work to be done in next 25 years. I may be not around, but infrastructures are already there. In next 12 or 13 years the final structures will be ready and established. there is possibility that Oil is finished by that time, but we should starting saving Oil with next 10 years. We will start using atomic energy and solar based energy. We should not be facing any economic crisis during rapid development. Iran is vast and I don't think "air pollution will be a problem"[!!!]. We should start saving energy and petrochemicals, and start saving in genral. We will teach our people to show off different dimensions of this country as one of the most attarctive counties.
2. couple of things I recalled:

first of all, I apologize for so many mistakes that I have here. becasue I usually just type! don't do any reviewing!
while ago, I wrote the poem from Hafez which I wrongly had written:
dele narges beshaghayegh negaran khahad shod,
which must be:
Cheshme narges be shaghyegh negaran khahad shod.

Thanks to Elham who reads Hafez and told me to correct it!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Remarkable somewhat astonishing thing has happened, ok not that remarkable!!!

One of the problems with the new place that you move in is the fact that you hardly find a close friend. or, It may takes years to find somebody close.

Having said that, as I mentioned I have been working quite hard, for the past few weeks.
today was quite interesting, I received an e-mail that my abstract is accepted for the major conferencesin in biomedical field in the up coming months!

What makes me to be happy is that my own supervisor suggested that I should not submit any paper since I have just started and I have not worthy results!!

Despite that I submitted and voilà; it worked, apparently! Now the only major problem is that I should produce what I have promised! Cross my fingers I am hoping to do so!
It would have been nice if I could celebrate this with someone! And jump up and down!
got stimulated but no soul to share the energy and happiness with!

I have also applied for a grant and if I get half of the money that I have applied for, I have promised myself and told my boss, one day for half a day I will go crazy! Because that kind of grant application is usually written by someone who has been in the field for at least many years or s/he is post doc. who has spent sometimes doing research in the area!!
So, one down one to go! Against all odds my paper got accepted! If the grant application is getting accepted and next I make that paper as a journal paper! This has been a good year! I mean by the end of the year!

We shall see! of course no perdiction is perfect!

Molla Hassani dar Canada!

There is this weblogger which I have never meet, but he is very hilarious. His satire is great. This is his link, Molla Hassani in Canada. I am guessing very likely you can't see his site, those in Iran I mean, I cut and pasted one of his works here.

آحرين خبر:

اعلام آمادگی کامل ايران برای ساخت تجهيزات اتمی برای کشورهای اروپايی (ايسنا)

بر اساس گزارشات رسيده رئيس جمهور محبوب طی نامه‌‌ای به سران کشورهای اروپايی و همچنين ژاپن ، چين و روسيه اعلام نمود که اگر کشورهای پيشرفته در راه اندازی مراکز هسته‌ای خود دچار مشکلات فنی و کمبود دانش فنی هستند و مثل خر توی گل مانده‌اند ايران حاضر است با سه سوت در آن کشورها چرخه کامل غنی سازی راه‌اندازی نمايد تا آن بندگان خدا هم به حق مسلم خود برسند.

آقاجان! هراشکال و ايرادی در مورد تکنولوژی هسته ای و بخصوص کیک زرد داشتيد از ما بپرسيد. خجالت نکشيد!


in English:
Iran has announced his readiness to send technology and expert to western countries to produce enriched uranium!
It is reported that our popular Iranian president [Dr. Ahamdinedjad] has sent out letters to head of European as well as Japan, China and Russia and has announced Iran's readiness to help those advanced counties who have technical problems in establishing their nuclear fuel enrichment program. Iran will provide any technology in that regard so, those counties will get their very own right to have complete technology! And feel really at home! This announcement goes for those countries who are lacking behind like there is no tomorrow in such issues as are discussed already!

p.s. Dear all political leaders, if you have any problem or technical problem in regard of nuclear technology or yellow cake! Don't be shay ask your questions, we shall promise to rectify those problems in less than 3 seconds!!

Saturday, April 15, 2006


back in Iran, when I arrived I taught for three months an English conversational class in an institute named Gheshm. In my class there were 5 people, two guys and three girls!
out of these 5 people, 4 are not in Iran anymore!! and the last one I don't know of her. She may be out of Iran, too.
2 guys were medical Doctors. One is now in Australia and another is in US. one of the girls was sister of my friend in Canada, she was a remote sensing expert and physicist. She is in England, now.
The other girl was an with MS in fine Arts and the other one was studying something which I can't recall! but all technical people are all gone!
what I wonder when does this brain-drain will stop!!
and Mr. President keeps saying, this country will be destroyed!!
I get so .... velesh kon....never mind!!!

Friday, April 14, 2006

The danger is around the corner!!

There is this game in North America called chicken. Two drivers with their cars on the opposite side of the road drive fast towards each other until one feels the danger is evident and goes off the road!! He is the loser!

Apparently Iran is doing more or less the same game with the world super-powers! Iranian government yet to realize in such big danger they are. They may underestimate super-powers and world in particular wills on this issue. In any case, after annuncment of President Mahmud Ahmadinejad's that his country has succeeded in enriching uranium at very very small scale (3.5). couple of questions comes to my mind!

First, I wonder is he realizing such a small amount has high prices for the Iran and Iranians! Apparently in order to have a nuclear power plant running, there is need of 2000 or more centrifugal enriching machinery to be running for a year or more that you can make anything meaningful out of them!!!!

second, no independent observer has confirmed such the act that is announced by Iranian government! So, are they crazy making their own life harder by talking none-sense. Or showing off to the world!

third, don't they feel the status quote is very similar to the time of Saddam?
When Seymour Hersh talks about Atomic attack on Iran, what the heck is wrong with this government!

fourth, A country like Switzerland still buys its enriched fuel for its nuclear power stations from France! what is the significant of announcing and put everyone under foreign pressure while the amount is such small that no one even thinks anything can be done, though letting foreign counties materlize their will politically and putting Iran under pressure! This is suicidal foreign policy!

Who cares if you were able to enrich Uranium! many counties did so about 50 years ago without celebrating it!! SO, this tells me this government loves to generate hype! This government must take everyone mind of the real issues going on in the current Iran. Poverity and violance!

The worst is that young generation are supporting these stuipidities! However, none thinking of consequences may come afterwards! everyone has forgotten war by Iraq. we have short memory!
having said all not to forget environmental danger and waste mangement of nuclear power! plus danger to human life!
aren't Iranian acting spontaneous and illogical in this issue!
May really forece be with Iran!

Michael Jackson with past few years of tabliod life he has, he used to sing some good songs. one of them is Heal the world:

There's a place in your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could be much
Brighter than tomorrow.
And if you really try
You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll feel
There's no hurt or sorrow.
There are ways to get there
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space, make a better place.

Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.

If you want to know why
There's a love that cannot lie
Love is strong
It only cares for joyful giving.
If we try we shall see
In this bliss we cannot feel
Fear or dread
We stop existing and start living
Then it feels that always
Love's enough for us growing
Make a better world, make a better world

And the dream we would conceived in
Will reveal a joyful face
And the world we once believed in
Will shine again in grace
Then why do we keep strangling life
Wound this earth, crucify it's soul
Though it's plain to see, this world is heavenly
Be God's glow.

We could fly so high
Let our spirits never die
In my heart I feel
You are all my brothers
Create a world with no fear
Together we'll cry happy tears
See the nations turn
Their swords into plowshares
We could really get there
If you cared enough for the living
Make a little space to make a better place

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Frustration Time!

Down town of Zurich a few weeks ago!

1. I have been working almost on average 12 hours a day and trust me this is so frustrating, when you can not get what you wish for!!
questions is not, to be or not to be! but, how can you be happy and smiling during frustrating time of your life!!! when there is Eastern holiday and you very likely have to work!
I am trying to smile:D!
signed by a man with frustration...
p.s. getting Phd is not that easy between you and me:D
p.s.1. recalling frustrating moments of Tigerfish!, life is tough!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

What a serie is this Nip/tuck!

Sean: I believed in everything except here[Church and god] and now those are all gone deceived and gone wrong, and now I wish to know how to pray and understand here!
(Dr. Sean Macnamara feels devastating after finding out that his son is not his own, but his partner's. His long life partner and friend had sex with his wife a month after their marriage about 18 years ago!!)
Looking at a prostitute and street women who is considered a miracle of Jusis because of rectangular holes on her body where it is bleeding badly!

The street girl in the church: Sister did all those nailing and crucification to me since she wanted to continue her job at the church and receive money!
Sean: but your blood and disagreement with the bleeded blood on your body? Like the story in the bible!!?
Street girl in the church: That was also sister’s job!!
Sean: look at all these people here for you who have become believer!!!

The street girl looking innocently: There is nothing to believe in, Dr.!! There is nothing to believe in!!
This is part of script I heard tonight, after many days got a chance to watch this disturbingly drama is known as Nip/Tuck!

Anyone has seen it? I think it is quite interesting! I tend to watch it. Probably in North America they don’t show it or it is pretty old the ones I watch!!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Hope no war ever happens!

This is part of
Mr. SEYMOUR M. HERSH about how US wishes to invade Iran. click on the link for the entire article. Mr. Hersh is a veteran New Yorker writer, who writes and reearches on strategic issues and what is going in Middle East.
I hope no war ever happens becasue it bring poorness and casualties. Nothing good is obtained from Iran.

One of the military’s initial option plans, as presented to the White House by the Pentagon this winter, calls for the use of a bunker-buster tactical nuclear weapon, such as the B61-11, against underground nuclear sites. One target is Iran’s main centrifuge plant, at Natanz, nearly two hundred miles south of Tehran. Natanz, which is no longer under I.A.E.A. safeguards, reportedly has underground floor space to hold fifty thousand centrifuges, and laboratories and workspaces buried approximately seventy-five feet beneath the surface. That number of centrifuges could provide enough enriched uranium for about twenty nuclear warheads a year. (Iran has acknowledged that it initially kept the existence of its enrichment program hidden from I.A.E.A. inspectors, but claims that none of its current activity is barred by the Non-Proliferation Treaty.) The elimination of Natanz would be a major setback for Iran’s nuclear ambitions, but the conventional weapons in the American arsenal could not insure the destruction of facilities under seventy-five feet of earth and rock, especially if they are reinforced with concrete.

A conversation with the Polish girl!

Today, I was throwing my cloths in the laundry and going to kitchen area when I encountered the polish girl in our house inside the kitchen. She was having lunch around 4:30 pm.
After a short greetings and how do you do, she asked what I am doing and what are my plans for this evening. I said not much just enjoying the sun today and cleaning my room, trying to clear my room from its current disorder! She said let’s go out for a drink tonight. I suggested that is a great idea, however I told her to notify other friends to come along, as I like to see more people and have fun in group.
She agreed. she promised she will call them. It was around 6:30 she told me that they are not coming since everyone has got a plan of his/her own.

To decide where to go, she said let’s not go to Zurich as she doesn’t want to buy a train ticket and wishes to save money since she is going back to Poland next week. I agreed and said let’s discover our own town.

Finally, we found a bar. There were 5 people in it included the old lady who was bartending. The music was retro songs from 80’s. We sat and talked. She explained to me about the fact of her ex-boyfriend and her life.

What happened with her ex-boyfriend and why she wanted to leave him. I think with this she wanted to clear up the air and her conscious, too since in the end of our conversation she said: “do you recall that you told us (her and David) that there was a Brazilian guy who used to live in the same room as I was? And you said he was having an affair with the British girl next door, kissing on the street and walking hand in hand and coming to the room to his own girlfriend from Brazil who was staying in his room in the same day!” “I felt so “hapless after what I you said and wasn’t feeling right”, she said. ;[I said I am not sure what is in that room whomever moves in falls in love:)].
That was in her own words. I was wondering how could anyone have have a change of heart so quickly since you kept telling us I have a boyfriend who I am with for past 4 to 5 years.

She started by saying she has known her ex-boy friend for 5 years and out of this five years, 3 years he was away or she was a away! She wasn’t happy with the status. According to her he was working in Nokia’s in Finland and she was seeking her destiny to get phd in Technical university of her home town.
She said I liked him but she was not sure and apparently he was like that, too. They had been together for so long that they were completely used to each other. It seemed that they were lost without being with one another. But these feeling were not true since she decided to go out with David (the German guy in our house) and called him to break up with him, as soon as she said now she is seeing someone else, he accepts it and said nothing!
One of things she mentioned was that she had never thought she would feel for someone else while she was with her ex-boyfriend. according to her, she has seen men before who she started to like but always it was limited to a conversation and appreciation but never felt the way she felt for David. So, that tells her that David was the right guy!

I asked her, why didn’t you get married with your ex-boyfriend after so many years? She said apparently about 2 years ago, he had said let’s get married. They decided to get engaged and afterwards start living together and start getting prepared for the wedding ceremony. However, later after being engaged one night she asks him "when are we going to get married?" He replys that he should think about it. She gets pissed off and later same day when a few hours later he goes on her knees and ask her to marry him, she refuses and says, she still does not know him so well. according to her, She didn't accept becasue he always kid around. she was not sure if this proposal was the true feeling of him!!
So, from then their relationship keeps down turn and then he goes to Finland and she comes to Switzerland. And the rest is known.

Straight forward conclusion: when you really like someone try to change your heart not as often!!
Complex conclusion: It is all men’s fault! Not to do the right thing!
My own conclusion: somebody, somebody, everybody finds me, somebody to love!!
Musical conclusion: Love is in the air…
High school conclusion: Agha ma begim, may I say it, Sir!! Love is not defined but logic and money are better!

2. Read Pinkfloyish write up in Persian.
He is married to Payam for past 2 years I think and sometimes it is interesting of her perception of US life. Another thing I didn't know that she has apparently lost her brother to drug addiction. You can read it here. She has mentioned this in her article, too.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

no comment!

1. I am quite busy these days (anything new?), doing many things at the same time or as I put it juggle with three balls and more! that is why I don't get a chance to write as I wish!

2. Sitting in my office, trying to concentrate; my co-worker is gone out for something prbably university! His phone keeps ringing every 5 mintues!
I wonder who the hell s/he is who keeps calling every 5 min. About an hour later, his girlfriend appears in our office. "Is that you who keeps calling his number?" I asked her! She replies, yes more or less! She makes this excuse that one of students wishes to know when does he come back! As far as I know he has a mobile number, "why don't you call him at his mobile?" I said! She answered: "I won't, if he is in, that means he is in; and if he is out, that means he is out!!!".

I offered her a chocolate to take with! She didn't accept it!!