Monday, December 05, 2005

Why Switzerland?
1. Many, as well as myself asking why I chose to do PhD in Switzerland than in Canada.
1. Here I get exposed to four different languages (English, German, French, Italian)
2. Here they pay better than North America and they spend more!
3. You get exposed to some culture
5. You can Ski more often than anywhere else!
6. The bread is much better than North America (I love the bread!)
7. Access to different European counties and more convenient commuting structure than North America.
I think that is good enough for now!

Almost everyone who I went to Skiing with the last weekend!

2. This weekend I went skiing for the first time this year! To Les Diablerets.
Unfortunately, there was not enough snow and therefore only two runs were open and that was on glacier area.
We were about 77 people from different counties staying in a large chalet for 2 nights and 2 days.
The funny thing happened when we were returning from the resort on the train.

The train was quite busy. I was sitting with bunch of Chinese and Portuguese people. One of Chinese guys was doing palm reading telling others if they will get married soon or later. How many children will have and so on. In One of the stations A French spoken women with her 3 years old child came to our seat. Since all the other seats were taken and there was only one free close to where I was sitting. We cut her attention about these plam reading.
So, showing us her palm, she said could you tell me if I will have another child or not!
I then answered ( I know I was rude of me!!, and it was none of my business to say that!),
I: oh, this must be of not married girls. I think you are already married and have a cute child, why would you be interested in!?!
To my surprise she answered back quickly:
I have recently got a divorced! She said that with smile! (I got quite embarrassed). Then about 30 minutes she started to talk to all of us and about where she was coming from that afternoon. She had been there from Santa Clause market where children sit on lap of impersonating Santa Clause and tell him their wish.
After that conversation when we left the train. All of us were surprised and felt pity for her. The women sounded quite nice, polite, reasonable and classy. We felt what has had happened that she has got a divorce so quickly. Of course, I know there could be many reasons!
adding to that, I recently read that percentage of Swiss women getting divorce from Swiss man is about 45% and this rate goes up if they are married to foreign men!! Apparently about 70%!

I guess this is just a statistic, but something to think of!

3. I think there three types of German!!

1. A German
2. German German
3. German German German!!

The first group are all right, you can more or less get along with, the second group you have difficulty and the third group impossible to relate to!!! (Of course, this is just a simple perception of mine:-)

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