Friday, December 30, 2005

Shall we see what we are good at?!


From Cabin

1. Today was a sunny day in Zurich, (right now is snowing very hard!) after 3 consecutive days of snowing. Salman and I went Skiing to an area known as Heidiland or Flumserberg. Salman was experiencing his first feet on ski slops and he did well, considering all circumstances;-)
I think I had some idea about busy ski resorts when I was in Iran but today I experienced almost the same perhaps even more. We spent about 2 hours or more standing in line to get in into ski lifts. See photo one, this is just tip of the ice!

2. When I was younger all I could think of was to become a medical doctor or an engineer.
Not that my parents would think this way but the pressure I was feeling from society was perhaps the major decisive factor. Back in our high school years in Iran we were trained and programmed to memorize and remember 16 different subjects and many formula. We were tested on those subjects. And who was doing well was considered the good student per say. I always wondered what about the fact of life. What about ethics. I have to admit we had some teachers who were also giving some life lessons, but these were random and seldom. We were told directly or indirectly, how to become engineers and doctors and that was path of prosperity! If had chose another profession than those then you may have been doomed or perhaps you were not the popular kid. This was then and I am not sure about now, but I think not much has changed since then.
Many of us evaluate our position in the society by the degree we obtain success. By success we usually mean a person that is working as an engineer or medical Doctor!But the fact is, not all of us must become engineers or doctors. Consider an engineer or doctor who is not good at it? what would you think about it?

Many of us, on one hand has some kind of physical disadvantages (i.e. physically challenged or even not be able to master some curriculum because of certain dyfunctionality or not just liking it), on the other hand we may not even like the subject that we are encouraged to take a part! We may not even have the luxury, support or status of accomplishing such a task.
We, as a human being, are usually good at many aspects. So, if one can not be achieved; there are other venues to attempt on.
What I have learned all along my life if we lose a limb or cannot afford to achieve one goal, there are many path to work on. Human is multi-talented creature, if one investment fails, try to invest on other talent of yours! All and all give it try to different interest or opportunities and you will be surprised, how good you are in some of them.

There are three issues that I wished to mention:

1. Working in high echelon of a defined professional job may not make you happy, you should find what makes you happy. what suits your talent!

2. We should find out what we are good at. Not everyone is good at aforementioned jobs. We may perform much better in other available careers out there. Many issues may force us to try different course and venus. But that is life so, do not lose hope. Just pick something that is appealing to you. World needs different people with different thoughts. Imagine how boring it was, if we all were the same or thinking the same.

3.Learn class, how to interact with people, to respect ourselves and others.
Being ethical quite important, too!

In closing, according to Christian Calendar year 2005 is soon to end, so make a resolution to give it try to different venues until you find what you are good at. what you can achieve with it. Ok, if you already know ignore this or pass it to someone else:)

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