Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Just another story of real life...
1. Don't know why after reading this story, I had drops of water in my eyes. couldn't feel well, either! feeling sad! Every time I read this:(
Read the story for you own!

2. Still want to keep the above article!

3. According to scientists Happiness is immune to life events! According to these studies done in 20 years, The most negative event which had a long lasting effect for longer than 2 years was losing a job!!
According to these study, it took 5 years for those who experience it, to forget that! Even, divorce and death had not more than 2 years lasting effect!
The same was for also positive event in life, like marriage and child birth!
My psychopathic conclusion:
As I have always said, relationship is becoming more and more on the background of real issues like work and making money and getting a job!!

I don't feel write new thing, want to keep the above link for while here.
While reading that listen to Gary Moore weeping guitar and sounds!

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