Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy 2007

1. Greetings and best wishes for 2007! I thank you those who wished me a best in the coming year! I wish everyone who celebrates this occasion or not;
have a healthy and successful year ahead! I am may be a day late since I was gone two days of Skiing!
2. I went skiing in
The ski was not so great as this year it has not been snowing so much! There was lots of stone and I had to look for stone on the piste. Today, when I was leaving the place, it was raining!!! which apparently wasn't happening in many years!!
I also visted
Jung Frau Yoch which was quite amazing. According to the history video there, the construction this tunnel was started in end of 1800 and was taken about 16 years!! I was quite impressed with what they have done! I am wondering what Iranian were doing that those time!

3. Somthing I read in the news is that: Either register your domain in Iran or get blocked! The news talks about Iranian minstery of Islamic guidance has given a due date 2 months either they have to register their websites and pages or they will get their websites blocked!
So, welcome to new rule of law in Iran! morality was first regulated! now let's pass law for internet since the first one works fine!!!:)

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