Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Lost in translation...
1. HUMMM, AOOO, I am asking my Chinese apartment-mate. what doesn these sounds you are making of yourself mean?! why when I say Helllo, you say HUUUUMMM, OHHHsh!?
him: hummma means hello in Chinese! and AOOOA means yes!
thanks for clirifying! as they say in Chinese thank you=SHEE SHEE!!

2. I feel depressed when I think I have no internet at home and doesn't seem I will get one any time soon!

3. Listing to Mike Wallace interview with Mr. Ahmadi Nedajad I realized how important it is to tranlate and convey your meaning properly.
If you get a chance please read the text and then listen to the video on the right hand side.
you will hear what President Ahamdinedjad has said, and what the translator (with huge Iranian accent) has translated! The obvious point is the "make up of President Bush admistration..." I think it is last page of the interview. compare and you will amazed!

you can also read the entire interview in Persian for exact in Persian! I hope link works!

ezat ziad!:)

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