Friday, February 11, 2005

Sex, lies, and Shesh kabab, Part 1
Siamak Baniameri is an interesting dude who writes in Iranian. Apparently, he is a lawyer who lives in America! His style of writing is satire and he nicely criticizes many cultural values (As moi does including myself!!).
I think this is great story and would like you to read. (I accidentally erased what I had written here so I had to rewrite it!) my apologies for those who left me a comment.
“You look like an honest guy. Tell me why you Persian guys are such asses? You go out and party like animals, you do your drugs, drink like fish, sleep with anybody you can get your hands on, but God forbid if a Persian girl does the same--she's then a whore and you're freakin' Virgin Mary."...
read the rest here

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