Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Childern's mind, our mind

Thanks goes to Alex the girl who has written this piece to support what I wrote yesterday. Indeed, she has just provided a support to what I meant and wrote. Childern have more innocent look at world than adult. They have much simple observation than adults. Reading this piece is highly recommended.
I continued my walk and came across a group of children who, all but one, were making snow angels in the ground. The one little girl was just lying there with a huge smile on her face and her eyes pinched closed so hard. A little boy called out to her, asking what she was doing. “I’m taking a picture of the sky with my mind,” she said, “Because it’s beautiful when it drops snow!” Read the rest here, 06 January 2004 :-)

2. It has been almost 2 days since Mars rover of NASA has landed on Red planet. First Congratulation to all scientists at NASA. especially Dr. Firouz Naderi who has been the force behind this Mars rover.
You can see some of the pictures that the has taken from Mars.
and report of Landing.

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