Friday, June 09, 2006

Thanks to those who were so understanding:)

1. First of all, many many thanks to those I had little fun with and they were so nice to comment and understand that I was kidding around. Now, I realized 99% (what a statistics!!) of Iranian women get the jokes! and those I made fun with, now I know why you have already a partner, because you people are tolerate! ;D

2. I have to say I have nothing with partners putting nicks on each other. That is great thing between two people. I have had also nick names! However, one thing was very evedent in comments, eveyone more or less has some kind of story with those nicks!
I hope your partners are happy with those nicks as much as you are:D

3. The above picture is great in my opinion because it has such passionate expression on it! especially the girl looking at the Iranian players!

4. Life is strong! I have a student working for me for next 3 months. He is an American with Jewish faith! Working for an Iranian origin!
Since the day he has come his impressions are funny (at least for me)

David: shall I lock the door? can I leave my stuff here?
me: don't worry this is not New York city, leave everything here!
David: wow, we go for the lunch, ...
During lunch: wowo, this is great food!!! I had fruit-yogurt last night at home. The taste and quality is totally different. It was so great and terrific, the taste!!
David in coffee room: Man, this is the best coffee I ever had! The American coffee is like black water!!
He is almost 23. I tend to think our 23 years olds are much smarter! Considering he goes to Rensselear Polytechnic which is one of best universities in US for engineering!

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