This blog stuff is kinda good thing. I write, to get relief! I write, because I enjoy!
And I write, because I write !!:D
These is part of the Queens (rahmatolah Alayh):
Sometimes I get to feelin’
I was back in the old days - long ago
When we were kids when we were young
Thing seemed so perfect - you know
The days were endless we were crazy we were young
The sun was always shinin’ - we just lived for fun
Sometimes it seems like lately - I just don’t know
The rest of my life’s been just a show
Those were the days of our lives
The bad things in life were so few
Those days are all gone now but one thing is true
Not all the things you do right, turn to be right …
it all started from here, where?
As a young person I wished to get educated so using my knowledge to help people of Iran and be able to educate them. grow up in revolutionary time in Iranian society, implied the powerless period that I wished to do many things that I felt I was unable to do. A protective parents, made me to look beyond what I had. My goal was to help where the help is needed. I always wished I could be the Pretender (has anyone seen the series?) who could be in one profession any coming day and help people and solve problems as they are rising! Ahan, yop, solving the problem was the reason I picked the engineering field, then!
What is true is the fact that if about 2 years ago someone would have told me that I will be in Switzerland and doing Phd in biomechanics! I would have not accepted it or even believe it! Probably, I would have told him, ya, you right and had walked away!! I think the probability that I would have ended up dead was much higher than moving to Switzerland!
Looking back and evaluating how things has changed throughout the past 6 years is something that makes me quite wonder. Perhaps, that is where power of decision making comes to play!
Talking about engineering, I think we produce engineers to solve problems. We teach engineers how to systematically and logically infer different conclusions from different problems. But does a full knowledge is sufficient factor for drawing the right conclusions?
Many of engineers are produced with so much of knowledge, however many lack talent. I think talent is the key tool to provide us with ability to infer and relate completely seemingly unrelated topic to a relevant topic!! Isn’t this what we are supposed to learn in PhD program?! perhaps!
So, technically talking, we have some knowledge, some talent and ability to relate and formulate equations why not doing that in real life! Once the equations are there, we shall find a solution. Isn’t this so called some kind of optimization method? So, the intention is to optimize those equations to find happiness! what optimization method to use, may be you would ask? Of course, each problem needs different attention and solution. But we believe the best optimization is based on our final decision and what we think is right. This is where experience and talent comes into play, simultaneously.
In engineering we try to use software to simulate different possible solutions or decision making. This is done based on different boundry conditions and different changes of interaction with world around us.
but, what is really the simulation environment of real life?! Can we buy one? I think this is the prices we pay for the choices we make! Not everything you think is done rightly, turn out to be right. Sometimes, we feel that we don’t have any choice; however, this is not quite true! May be we don’t know another solution? May be we are ignorant to some. If we look closely in many cases, we will see the broader spectrum of choices! Many of those decisions we make may sound the enemy with in. However, in many cases time will reveal otherwise. So, the question becomes fatalism or determinism!!! And the story continues,…!!!:D
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