Tuesday, May 23, 2006

2 words of wisdom! ya right!
1. enjoy the Dance!

2. One major differences among Iranian and western girls is the fact that the first thing that Western girl is looking for is sense of humor. However, Iranian girls perhaps does not consider sense of humor as a major factor in life!
Of course, this is my own understanding. I, personally, think you should be able to make fun on anything and everything, from sex, to quite serious topics. However, in right timing and appropriate taste. Who defines this taste? I think the reader, your audience. If you hear appreciation from them then you know you are more or less on the right track.

Having said that I just read that a caricaturist and the editor in chief of Iran weekly newspaper are arrested by Iranian government!
Reason is given that they made fun of Turkish minority and so to say have created the chaos. Some Azerbaijani Friends are feeling betrayal from Fars spoken people in Iran!
My Origin goes back to Azerbaijan from both sides, so I call myself, Turke 2- tabagheh!!

Having said that, if we stop making satire or fun of the things around us, very soon nothing will remain to make fun of, except angles and heaven, since God is also not soemthing to make fun of! Don’t you agree!!?

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