Monday, August 25, 2003

Mingling boys and girls in Iran!

Last night, I visited Zahra-hb weblog. I came across this story of her: She tells us that her brain feels like hanging! The story goes: she was sitting in a waiting area of a bus stop In Amir Abaad area. There was a girl who was sitting beside her with stylish or trendy clothing. A car with two guys in it stopped in front of them and asked them to get on the car in a case they wish to do so! To her surprise the girl in trendy cloths got on the car and went along with them! Then she started asking whether girls have to become in such a low level that they take such a risk and do such actions?

I would like to make a statement in regard of the above story line. In Iran we have almost no means of mingling boys and girls in a appropriate environment. No place such as clubs, coed sporting complex exist in Iran (as far as I know and if there is any they are private and quite expensive). No girl is allowed to play any type of game with an outside guy in adolescence age! In such environment that opposite sexes cannot interact in any poosible way by any existing means, couple of solutions comes to mind!
First to meet in hiding in a closed environment like one’s home and do whatever as they wish! I am personally against this. Because lots of things can happen in spaces that no one are in it except two newly meet individuals. I would rather see dating is being done on the surface in places known as public area.
The other solution would be to take any opportunity to meet the opposite sex. That is getting a phone number from a complete stranger on the street. Getting on a car of an opposite sex without a prior knowledge of his/her background, and as I put it any opportunity that may arise. Therefore, I would like to know what part of above really would make our brain to hang? Are we trying to deny what is happening in our body? Are we rejecting what scientists are referring to as hormones? Are we trying to reject our affection for opposite sex as early as we are 6 months old? I suppose not!
Society in general has its norm to balance itself and these are the ways that we observe and society in Iran is adapting to gain its lost balance!
However, Please be advised that what I write here does not completely represent my opinion and belief. I consider the circumstances and then propose the solution!

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