Thursday, December 24, 2009

Resemblance between Star Wars sega and what is currently going on in Iran!

I have had opportunity to watch trilogy of star wars in space channel since yesterday, perhaps for first time, in my own paste! Usually either I was watching it in the movie theater or by some friends and family.
This time since I was familiar with the story, I listen carefully to see how the story lines were developed.
My hats off to George lucas for developing such thorough story telling talent!

What this time around was quite interesting for me was not the scenes that wars and action are, though the way sith and the dark lords take over the empire or entire galaxy in the so called counselors gathering (episode 3, revenge of sith). Sidious or the dark lord pronounces himself empire with bogus charges against Jedi group (those who advocate democracy). Sounds familiar!?

Reading Iran's history and how the current system in Iran was established in 1979, it is quite similar to what happens in story telling lines of star wars. The tale of betray, power thirst and brain washing of those who are needy.
The way the plain cloth people in Iran were brainwashed is almost identical to what happened in Anakin Skywalker who became lord Vadar by accepting the fact jedi (certain group of people) are trying to overthrow the system (put Islamic System) that keeps the democracy alive!
He gets brain washed because he was given a wrong promise by dark lord about keeping his wife (Padmé) alive (sense of need in those who need something). He wanted to get into the final stage of the force and keep his beloved wife alive for ever. Something that dark lord says to the Anakin, if he becomes his apprentice and work with him, they can achieve!
In Iran that is what establishment does. promises, of money to those who need it. To those religious people, establishment whispers that the Islam is in danger if those people on the street take over they are going to destroy everything those simple mineded people believed in! and there was groups of people who their existence depends on the establishment!
Quite similar, isn't it?

I think at last as we see in Star wars trilogy the good people (good side of the force) will prevail. So, the dark side, please see star wars, that may help you to understand why you are doomed to fail!

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