1. I recall vividly that date. I was sitting in my cubical at my work in Cambridge, Ontario and working. The department boss came out of his office and said 'have you heard that there has been a large devastating terrorist attack!' I said, I have seen so many attacks in my life this one probably is not that important. Then, everyone started to run around and listen to radio around the floor to hear the newsat every minitues. I continue my work, tried to avoid my attention to my work.
Until a guy from first floor came upstairs: "This has been work of you and your kind?!" David said. He was in his middle of his 40s at that time. I smiled and I replied: 'first of all, those attachers apparently who have done this are Arabs and I am not an Arab,... and there was another guy in the cubical I was with, who jump in and continue with smile, David, you have picked the wrong guy, this guy is not religious what so ever!!
anyhow, everyone was in disarray as we were informed all the machines we had sent to overseas and USA were kept in custom and can't go their distination. For next three months, since we couldn't do more businesses, we started to form learning groups and teach each other what we knew! about less than 6 month later, I got laid off from work due to lack of job and because the entire high-tech division was going down! of course even according to those friends who I have, first they get raid of Arabs in department, then me, then, Indians and others. Life changes so quickly!
2. Dr. Yazdi (not that I ever like him) conversation with Mr. Khomeini about Iran and Iraq war. [my notes: After watching this clip I came to this conclusion how illiterate we were in foreign and world policy and that is exactly what is happening at this moment and who suffers, ordinary people!]
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