Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Quest: The sky is the limit!
1. it has been a long time I have not written here. life is busy and hectic, that is all I can note!:)

2. yesterday, I saw the word "limit"! then I recalled the advertisement in Canada I used to watch, if I am not mistaken, it was about lottery and was saying: the sky is the limit; i.e. what you can win is so large that it goes as sky!!
Then I started to think why have I been for so long ambitious in my life! I will not simply settle for anything! I have to keep going and get better! It seems that I have to prove something to myself. Is there something wrong with me? I can't hardly stay in a place more than 4 years! If not shorter.
I want to be anywhere and everywhere! I want to learn and learn! I want to find answers to many phenomenon around us! I don't care about finding answers why human has been created! I want to find simple answers to improve our daily life!
I enjoy interaction with cultures and people.
I keep wondering Why I can't settle like many people around me!? Could it be something is wrong with me? could it be that I have no idea what is the ultimate achievement I can obtain? Therefore I keep going? So, as we know sky is the limit! So, when do I hit the limit??! I can keep mumbling, but that does not change the fact that all along my life I have been ambitious. That seems a fact!

I am happy with what I have, I have to admit. Living throughout of my life in many part of worlds and getting paid, more or less, fair amount for decent jobs! Learning and experiences many things has widen my point of view. Should I therefore consider having ambitious is great quality?!
Don't know!
This is something time will show me, I suppose!

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