Sunday, September 17, 2006

why this scent?!
1. I have a sensitive nose! On many occasions I smell things that someone else can hardly smell! And this is a major problem!
Currently, I live with a Chinese guy first generation. About 2 days ago I realized what is the smell that whenever I walk in to the apartment I smell it so strongly. Ok, let me start from beginning!

There are 3 Chinese (1 women, 2 guys) have come to our institute right from China to do some testing and establish standards on particular steel cables for the bridge construction. So, my apartment-mate apparently get to know them, and now for the past two weeks they keep coming to our place at nights because according to them: “they don’t like to eat western food!” and they cook and eat at our place!
Let’s go back to the topic that is the scent. I used to walk in and smell the very strong aroma of feet mixed with vegetables! Finally, I realized what is that! Two days ago I came back and saw they are cooking. I should get to the fact what and how they cook!

Chinese have totally different culture from us! They cook everything with hot spices and chili, meat and vegetables all should be fried, Marjorly. Then, these are put in different plates and a small cup is filled with full soup (as they call it)in front of every person is the start of the dinner of the Chinese. After the soup is finished they fill the bowel with the rice and eat together from those plates and then little from the rice in front of them!
and have I mentioned their culture is that men have to eat the food with open mouth and make noise, burp a few times. on the contrary, women must eat very very quiet and her voice should not be heard or even sensed!

I want to talk about foot aroma that is propagated in our apartment! I realized this smell is initiates from the soup! The soup is made of plain water plus some ginger and Chinese noodle plus some meat. The major smell is from the pork meat! In fact, they boil the water and add pieces of pork in the boiling water without adding any spices! This food has very strong smell and it last for quite sometimes! So, now imagine that…

2. In the train I sometimes get so annoyed that I have to change my seat! I am not getting why men and also many women do not use perfume and some aroma to make their scent pleasant. Perspiration is something we shall wash with soup and water and please use cologne and perfume so, not to bother anyone else just because of your scent or sharp scent.

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