You know it is 25. anniversary of Iran revolution and therefore, there are a lot going on in respect of art and culture. Last night, I got these free tickets, which would give us permission to attend Azabayejan Ashighs group (photo shown down) from Tabriz in Bahman cultural centre.
Bahman Cultural centre (This is the only link I found) is located in old slaughter house (koshtar gah) it is south of down town area close to rail road station. We arrived around 8:05 pm. The program was supposed to be started by 8:00; however, there was about 20 minutes delay. On the tickets there were sit numbers. Though, we were told that sits are taken based on first come first serve! So, the sitting process became a funny at the same time fighting practice like the game we used to play called musical chair! After being sited, the singers starting to appear on the stage. This was a marten procedure! A group would sing. Right after another group would after. And this keeps going and going until the end of the program. Recently, any concerts or recitals I have attended they have been for 2 to 3 straight hours, no intermission what so ever!! (Last time the Broadway theater I attended “mourning for Siavash (Sooge Siavash)” was 3 hours of consecutive performance no intermission and last night concert was also no different)! Reason for not having any intermissions: I am told because organizers want to finish the concerts before 11:00 pm!! Apparently there is a curfew!
So, The program was quite interesting except for the sound system. We had this speaker beside us, which started to function a few minutes after we arrived and we almost lost our hearing to its high sound energy! The entire program was performed in Turkish language. This was a drawback since I couldn’t understand a single word except those parts which someone beside me translated them for me!
Couple of observations: The crowd was most Azari speakers. There were lots of kids running around. I noticed every family on average had 4 kids! Many of the women in the concert hall had full veil (Chadoor). What I noticed was the fact when a jigs’ music was performed, they would clap to the joy and get their kids to dance!!
So, I enjoyed seeing the cultural changes!
2. Since, last time I wrote about advantages of making love and so many people welcome them. I would like to write more about advantages of making love specially for those whom having a little extra pounds:
Intercourse can burn around 200 calories, not bad for a few minutes’ work and far more entertaining than 30-minutes chum on a treadmill at the gym!
3. This is an interesting story of seeing when west meets east!
Enemy vs. Friends.
4. I like west becasue as soon as a new technology comes to life, a new researchers are getting emerged for the same reason. An example is
Marc Smith.
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