Monday, July 30, 2007
Short Story happening in Iran
This story is taken from this link:
It is quite funny and true in Tehran at least!
راند، تا جايي که پنجره جلو دقيقا روبروي دختر جوان قرار گرفت. اين اولين خودرويي نبود
که روبروي دختر توقف مي کرد ، اما هريک از آنهابا بي توجهي دختر جوان ، به راه خود ادامه مي دادند . دختر جوان، مانتوي مشکي تنگي به تن کرده بود که چند انگشتي از يک پيراهن بلند تر بود .شلواري هم که تن دخترک بود ،همچون مانتويش مشکي بود و تنگ مي نمود که آنهم کوتاه بود و تا چند سانتي پايين تر از زانو را مي پوشاند . به نظر مي آمد که شلوار به خودي خود کوتاه نيست و انتهاي ساق آن به داخل تا شده .
دختر جوان نتوانست اهميتي به مزداي قرمز رنگ ندهد . سرش را به داخل پنجره کرد و به راننده گفت :" بفرماييد؟" . مزدا مسافري نداشت . راننده آن پسر جوان و خوش چهره اي بود که عينک دودي ظريفي به چشم داشت . پسر جوان بدون معطلي و با بياني محترمانه گفت : " خوشحال ميشم تا جايي برسونمتون".
دختر جوان گفت : " صادقيه ميرما". پسر جوان بي درنگ سرش را به نشانه تائيد تکان داد و پاسخ داد : " حتماً، بفرماييد بالا ". دخترک با متعجب ساختن پسر جوان، صندلي عقب را براي نشستن انتخاب کرد .چند لحظه اي ازحرکت خودرو نگذشته بود که دختر جوان ، در حالي که روسري کوچک و قرمز خودرا عقب و جلو مي کشيد و موهاي سرازير شده در کنار صورتش را نظم مي داد،گفت :" توي ماشينت چيزي براي گوش کردن نيست "
- البته .
پسر جوان ،سپس پخش خودرو را روشن کرد . صداي ترانه اي انگليسي زبان به گوش رسيد . از آينه به دختر جوان نگاهي انداخت و با همان لبخند ظريفش که از ابتدا بر لب داشت گفت :"کريس دبرگ هست ، حالا خوشتون نمياد عوضش کنم
". دخترک با شنيدن حرف پسرجوان ،خنده تمسخر آميزي سر داد .
- ها ها ها ، اين که اريک کلاپتون . نميشنوي مگه ، انگليسي مي خونه .اصلا کجاش شبيه کريس دبرگ .
- اِه ، من تا الان فکر مي کردم کريس دبرگ . مثل اينکه خيلي خوب اينا رومي شناسيد ها .
دخترک ، قيافه اي به خود گرفت و ادامه داد:" اِي ، کمي "
- پس کسي طرف حسابمه که خيلي موسيقي حاليشه . من موسيقي رو خيلي دوست دارم ، اما الان اونقدر مشغله ذهني دارم که حال و حوصله موسيقي کار کردن رو ازم گرفته .
دخترک لبخندي زيرکانه زد و با لحني کش دار گفت:" اي بابا، بسوزه پدرعاشقي . چي شده ، راضي نميشه ؟"
- نه بابا، من تا حالا عاشق نشده ام . البته کسي رو پيدا نکرده ام که عاشقش بشم ، و اگرنه اگه مورد خوبي پيش بياد ، از عاشقي هم بدم نمياد .
اصل قضيه اينه که، قبل از اينکه با ماشين بزنم بيرون و در خدمت شما باشم، توي خونه با بابام دعوام شد .
- آخي ، سرچي؟ لابد پول بهت نمي ده.
- نه ، تنها چيزي که ميده پول . مشکل اينجاست که فردا دارم مي رم بروکسل،اونوقت اين آقا گير داده بمون توي شرکت کار داريم .
با گفتن اين جملات توسط پسر جوان ، دخترک، با اينکه سعي مي کرد به چهره اش هويدا نشود ، اما کاملا چهره اش دگرگون شد و با لحني کنجکاوانه پرسيد:
" اِه، بروکسل چي کار داري؟ "
- دايي ام چند سالي هست که اونجاست . بعد از سه چهار ماه کار مداوم ، ميخواستم برم اونجا يه استراحتي بکنم؟
دخترک بادي به غبغب انداخت و سريع پاسخ داد:
- اتفاقا من هم يک هفته پيش از اسپانيا برگشتم.
- اِه، شما هم اونجا فاميل داريد؟ کدوم شهر.
- فاميل که نداريم ، براي تفريح رفته بودم ونيز.
پسر جوان نيشخندي زد و گفت : اصلا ولش کن بابا ، اسم قشنگتون چيه؟
- من دايانا هستم. اسم تو چيه، چند سالته؟ چه کاره اي؟
- چه خبره؟ يکي يکي بپرسيد، اين جوري آدم هول ميشه ... اولاً اين که اسم خيلي قشنگي داريد ، يکي از اون معدود اسم هايي که من عاشقشونم . اسم خودم سهيل ، 25 سالمه و پيش بابام که کارگذار بورس کار مي کنم . خوب حالا شما.
دخترک با شنيدن اين حرفهاي سهيل ، چهره اش گلگون شد و به تشويش افتاد .
- من که گفتم ، اسمم داياناست . 23 سالمه و کار هم نمي کنم . خونمون سمت الهيه است و الان هم محض تفريح دارم مي رم صادقيه . تا حالا بوتيک هاي اونجا نرفته ام . با يکي از دوستام اونجا قرار گذاشته ام تا بوتيک هاش روببينيم و اگه چيز قشنگي هم بود بخريم .
- همين چيزايي هم که الان پوشيده ايد خيلي قشنگه ها.
دايانا ، گره کوچک روسريش را باز کرد و بار ديگر گره کرد . سپس گفت:
- اِي ، بد نيست . اما ديگه يک ماهي هست که خريدمشون . خيلي قديمي شده اند ... . ولش کن ، اصلا از خودت بگو ، گفتي موسيقي کار نکرده اي و دوست داري کار کني ، آره؟
- چرا ، تا چند سال پيش يه مدتي پيانو کار مي کردم.
دخترک ، سعي مي کرد دلبرانه سخن وري کند ، اما ناگهان به جوشش افتاد ،طوري که منقطع صحبت مي کرد و کلمات را دستپاچه بيان مي کرد.
-اي واي، من عاشق پيانو ام . خيلي دوست دارم پيانو کار کنم ، يعني يه مدتي هست که کلاسش رو مي رم ، اما هنوز خيلي بلد نيستم . ... اصلااينجوري نميشه، نگه دار بيام جلو بشينم راحت تر حرف بزنيم .
سهيل ، بي درنگ خودرو را متوقف کرد . دايانا هم سريع پياده شد و به صندلي جلو رفت .
-دايانا خانوم ، داريم مي رسيما .
- دايانا خانوم کيه؟ دايانا ... . ولش کن ، فعلا عجله ندارم . بهتره چند دقيقه ديگه هم با هم باشيم . آخه من تازه تو رو پيدا کرده ام . تو که مخالفتي نداري ؟
- نه ، من که اومده بودم حالي عوض کنم . حالا هم کي بهتر از تو که حالم رو عوض کنه . فقط بايد عرض کنم که الان ساعت نه و نيمه ، حواست باشه که ديرت نشه .
دخترک با شنيدن صحبت هاي سهيل، وقتي متوجه ساعت شد، چهره اش رنجور شد ودر حالي که لب خود رابا اضطراب مي گزيد ، گفت:
-آره راست ميگي ... پس حداقل يه چند دقيقه اي ماشينت رو دور فلکه نگه دار، باهات کار دارم .
سهيل ، با قبول کردن حرفهاي دايانا ، حوالي ميدان که رسيد ، خودرو رامتوقف کرد . روي خود را به دخترک کرد و کمرش را به در تکيه داد . عينک دودي را از چشمانش برداشت .چهره اي نسبتا گيرا داشت . ته ريشي به صورتش بود و موهايي ژوليده داشت که تا گوشش را مي پوشانيد . پخش خودرو را خاموش
کرد و سپس با همان لبخندي که بر لب داشت گفت :
- بفرماييد.
ديگر کاملا از ظاهر و طرز صحبت دخترک مي شد پي به هيجانش برد.
- موبايلت ... شماره موبايلت رو بده، البته اگه ممکنه .
پسر جوان لحظه اي فکر کرد و سپس گوشي همراه خود را از روي داشبورد- پشت فرمان برداشت . آن را به سمت دايانا دراز کرد.
- بگير ، زنگ بزن گوشي خودت که هم شماره تو روي موبايلم ثبت بشه و هم شماره من روي موبايل تو بيفته . فقط صبر کن روشنش کنم ... اونقدر اعصابم خورد بود که گوشي رو خاموش کردم .
دايانا ، به محض ديدن گوشي گران قيمت سهيل به وجد آمد . اما سريع شوق خودرا کتمان کرد و فقط به گفتن"گوشي خوبي داري ها" قناعت کرد .
- قابلت رو نداره . اتفاقا بايد عوضش کنم ، خيلي يوغره.
- خوب ، ممنون . فقط بگو کي مي تونيم همديگه رو دوباره ببينيم .
- ببينم چي ميشه . اگه فردا برم بروکسل که هيچ، اما اگه تهران بودم يه کاريش مي کنم . اصلا بهم زنگ بزن
- باشه ... پس من مي رم .فعلا خداحافظ .
- خوشحال شدم،...خداحافظ . ... زنگ يادت نره .
دختر جوان ، درحالي که احساس مسرت مي کرد ، با گامهايي لرزان (از شوق) ازخودرو خارج شد . هر چند قدمي که بر مي داشت ،سرش را برمي گرداند و مزدارا نگاه مي کرد و دستي براي سهيل تکان مي داد . پس از دور شدن دايانا ،سهيل از داخل خودرو پياده شد و طوري که دايانا متوجه نمي شد، او را تعقيب
کرد . حوالي همان ميدان بود که دايانا روي صندلي هاي يک ايستگاه اتوبوسنشست . سهيل ، گوشه اي لابلاي جمعيت در حال گذر ، خود را پنهان کرده بود و دايانا را نظاره مي کرد . دايانا دستش را به ساق شلوار خود انداخت و تايي که از داخل داده بود را باز کرد . شلوارديگر کوتاه نبود . از داخل کيفي که بر روي دوشش بود مقنعه اي بيرون آورد و در لحظه اي کوتاه آنرا سرکرد و از زير مقنعه ، تکه پارچه اي که بر سرش بود ، بيرون کشيد . از داخل همان کيف ، آينه کوچکي خارج کرد و با يک دستمال کوچک ، از آرايش غليظي که
روي صورتش بود کاست . موهاي خرمايي رنگش را که روي صورتش سرازير شده بود، داخل مقنعه کرد و با آمدن اولين اتوبوس ، از محل خارج شد . سهيل در طول ديدن اين صحنه ها ، همچنان لبخند بر لب داشت . با رفتن دايانا، سهيل به سمت مزدا حرکت کرد . به خودرو که نزديک مي شد زنگ موبايلي که همراهش بود، به صدا در آمد. سهيل بلافاصله پاسخ داد:
- بله؟
صداي خواهش هاي پسر جواني از آنسوي گوشي آمد .
- سلام ، آقا هر چي مي خوايي از تو ماشين بردار ، فقط ماشين رو سالم بهم تحويل بده . تو رو خدا ، بگو کجاست بيام ببرم ...
- خوب بابا ، چه خبرته . تا تو باشي و در ماشينت رو براي آب هويج گرفتن باز نزاري ... ببينم به پليس هم زنگ زدي ؟
- نه ، به جون شما نه ، فقط تو رو خدا ماشين رو بده .
- جون من قسم نخور ، من که مي دونم زنگ زده اي ...ولي عيبي نداره ، آدرسمي دم بيا ... فقط يه چيزي ، اين يارويي که سي ديش توي ماشينت بود کي بود؟
- کي ؟ اون خارجيه ؟ ... استينگ بود ، استينگ .
- هه هه ... يه چيز ديگه هم مي پرسم و بعدش آدرس رو مي دم ؛ ونيز توي اسپانياست ؟
- ونيز؟ نه بابا، ونيز که توي ايتالياست ... آقا داري مسخره ام مي کني ،آدرس رو بده ديگه ...
- نه ، داشتم جدول حل مي کردم . مزداي قرمزت ، ضلع جنوبي صادقيه پارک شده. گوشيت رو مي زارم توي ماشين ، ماشين رو هم مي بندم و سوييچ رو مي اندازم توي سطل آشغالي که کنار ماشينته . راستي يه دايانا خانوم هم بهت زنگ مي زنه ، يه دختر خوشگل،... برو حالش رو ببر ، برات مخ هم زدم ،...
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Relation of deveoplment and peace of mind!
Today, Iraq crowned their first ever title of Asian cup in a game versus Saudi Arabia. In my opinion the significant of wealthy versus poor is not that important here which many will pay attention to! (Saudis spending millions on their team and coaches and Iraqis didn't spend so much, which I think is not so true since they had a coach from Brazil)
what I feel is important here, is the fact of somebody having a peace of mind, not being afraid of going out of the hotel talking to people and being suspended because of talking to a women or perhaps going to co-ed swimming pool (which Iranian players were kept in their room for that purpose), make a big difference and makes you to work harder and concentrate better. As a result, they got the title. Of course there are many other facts helps them to do so but in my humble opinion the peace of mind was the most important one!
Iraqis despite so much hardship they are having with respect to the security as we have seen on TV and news, they simply out performed every team in Asia and in my opinion their peace of mind was the best gift they are given to achieve this goal.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Humidity vs silence!
1. due to hot and humid weather + lack of interest in politics+ extreme pressure to continue my Phd. Until further notice no writing here, unless I find something quite interesting!
2. Actually, I was rafting last weekend, and that was great! I put couple of photos here! Highly recommended activity! I didn't take the photos, as I am in there. so, the resolution is quite low!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Less scream!
1. Yesterday, it was an interesting day, besides my program wasn't working well. My computer when I boot it in the morning, took 20 min to boot up! In the end, I had to send it to our informatics department!
However, today is another day! first my program works! at least this far. I found center of rotation of a wheel during motion with my program!
and then in the noon, one of co-workers called me in his office and asked me about some modeling issue! He had a client whom they were there for more than 1.5 hours to model some simple coupled gears with one variable mass oscillating on it. It took me 15 minutes to show him, how to do it!!
Simply why? Because now I have better understanding of the software!
This is what frustrating me all along, I have to spend so much time figuring out simple solution to use the software I am using for some simple modeling I wish to do!!
but anyway, I felt at least I could be of help to those guys! They seem happy to see things works after 1.5 hours in the office!
2. Past 3 days was horrible days. I had a meeting with my group. asking them what I shall do! They just looking at me. We have no idea! things I wished wouldn't work!
no one there to help me! So, I was under verg of collapse! but at least I feel little better today! So, drawing a conclusion: there is always tomorrow, don't lose hope.
3. The Chinese lady is very kind and has done couple of nice things. She has clean up our frig and has bought a flower and put it on our table. She has said that the Chinese husband of her is very lazy.
I think that also included me!
you see, I don't say only bad things of people, I also appreciate good things as well.:D
However, today is another day! first my program works! at least this far. I found center of rotation of a wheel during motion with my program!
and then in the noon, one of co-workers called me in his office and asked me about some modeling issue! He had a client whom they were there for more than 1.5 hours to model some simple coupled gears with one variable mass oscillating on it. It took me 15 minutes to show him, how to do it!!
Simply why? Because now I have better understanding of the software!
This is what frustrating me all along, I have to spend so much time figuring out simple solution to use the software I am using for some simple modeling I wish to do!!
but anyway, I felt at least I could be of help to those guys! They seem happy to see things works after 1.5 hours in the office!
2. Past 3 days was horrible days. I had a meeting with my group. asking them what I shall do! They just looking at me. We have no idea! things I wished wouldn't work!
no one there to help me! So, I was under verg of collapse! but at least I feel little better today! So, drawing a conclusion: there is always tomorrow, don't lose hope.
3. The Chinese lady is very kind and has done couple of nice things. She has clean up our frig and has bought a flower and put it on our table. She has said that the Chinese husband of her is very lazy.
I think that also included me!
you see, I don't say only bad things of people, I also appreciate good things as well.:D
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
1. When things doesn't go your way! when you are felling low! when things doesn't work in your project. when there is no one to ask! I see the only way to express myself is scream! time passes by, I scream! the scream turns to laugh! so, am I losing it!!!...
2. The only good sign is that Iran won in Asian football chanmpionship against Uzkbakestan in the first game.
3. The photo above depicts a fellow spider hanging from my window! I have been studying his activities! He appears at night and makes his/her webs all over around him/her to catch meat! then s/he gets disappeared by down! seeing him has become part of my daily routine! I saw him when he was very small and now he has grown in past two weeks!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Bebinid va ...
The above clip does not represent my opinion to advocate monarchy. I like the first 2 min. showing Iranian women could have been Police.
I liked the attire of those police officers.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Me, Myself and Chinese and Women's right!
These days every website you'd browse they are talking about equality of men and women. Every Iranian site promoting gender equality and there is lots of going on about resistance of women in Iran. I think what I am going to write will not be suitable for women, so viewer discretion is advised!:))
This evening I arrived home and witnessed the women favourite job! Yo may wonder which one! what would be better than ... being in Kitchen!:))
I arrived this evening and saw the wife was the entire time to prepare the dinner and wash the dishes in the kitchen and the guy and his daughter were sitting and enjoying quality time!
You see China is advancing, so what is wrong with that!:D
[p.s. this was a joke]
The story of Me, Myself and Chinese housemate!
1. And they are finally here! you may ask whom!? the family of the Chinese housemate of mine! He first time started to clean his room. Every moning he would open the door of his room and you could not stand there, as it seemed there was dead mouse inside!
So, finally he cleaned the rooms and I did help him! but the clean smell did not last long! As His family arrived (wife and 10 years old daughter) I slowly observed, the stonge smell runs in the family!
His wife has bring in millions of Chinese food packages which you wish not to smell!
besides, I realized the small which I always were bothered with in the bathroom is back!
and what is that? the soap they use! The smell soap the wife has already put in the bathroom, reminds me of the worst washing soap that was existing in Iran that was popular to wash their clothing! but apparently, they used it as body shampoo!
She likes to wash the socks and leave them in the half filled plastic basket for a long time!
having said that, her smell seems much stronger than him! while she walks in the apartment. It last for quite sometimes!
anyhow, hopfully, this will not last long!
now, I have written this, I feel I scream that out!
I'd better get back to work, cafe time is finished!
So, finally he cleaned the rooms and I did help him! but the clean smell did not last long! As His family arrived (wife and 10 years old daughter) I slowly observed, the stonge smell runs in the family!
His wife has bring in millions of Chinese food packages which you wish not to smell!
besides, I realized the small which I always were bothered with in the bathroom is back!
and what is that? the soap they use! The smell soap the wife has already put in the bathroom, reminds me of the worst washing soap that was existing in Iran that was popular to wash their clothing! but apparently, they used it as body shampoo!
She likes to wash the socks and leave them in the half filled plastic basket for a long time!
having said that, her smell seems much stronger than him! while she walks in the apartment. It last for quite sometimes!
anyhow, hopfully, this will not last long!
now, I have written this, I feel I scream that out!
I'd better get back to work, cafe time is finished!
Friday, July 06, 2007
Moon River!!
1. I first received the LP of Andy Williams from my uncle who had a great collection of the 60s LPs while him and my dad were studying in US.
In any case, I felt it would be to listen to that since throughout these years things has changed a lot!
I wished to find a version with Shelly Basie but unsuccessful!
2. The other day, I was thinking being in Switzerland and getting paid from Swiss fund, is not such a great idea. Swiss Banks are famous for accepting any money. Specially from current Iranians who are directly or indirectly involved in Iranian government. Then on the second thought, I thought where does that money has come from ? the answer is from export of Oil from Iran! The money rather than being used in Iran and its development is transfered in Swiss banks!
So, technically talking I am getting paid from money that is made in Iran!!! (just a thought!)
3. It seems I have not much to write, recently. perhaps, I should move from this house to a new one! for every start there is an end!
In any case, I felt it would be to listen to that since throughout these years things has changed a lot!
I wished to find a version with Shelly Basie but unsuccessful!
2. The other day, I was thinking being in Switzerland and getting paid from Swiss fund, is not such a great idea. Swiss Banks are famous for accepting any money. Specially from current Iranians who are directly or indirectly involved in Iranian government. Then on the second thought, I thought where does that money has come from ? the answer is from export of Oil from Iran! The money rather than being used in Iran and its development is transfered in Swiss banks!
So, technically talking I am getting paid from money that is made in Iran!!! (just a thought!)
3. It seems I have not much to write, recently. perhaps, I should move from this house to a new one! for every start there is an end!
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