Monday, July 11, 2005

Festival of Ball-room dancing and The Origin of Teddy’s Bear
1. I was yesterday in Zurich. I usually take a train to the main station that is called Hauptbahnhof. When I arrived I noticed there was a stage for musical group plus huge wooden area for people to dance has been erected. I looked around and understood that there is going to be a Ball room dancing (Tango, Swing, Salsa, etc). The occasion: just to celebrate 30 years of long tall Ernie Rock’n’Roll dance club. Actually, I think the whole thing was just an excuse to have fun or as I put it “A group enjoyment and entertainment”.

The program started around 7:30 pm and was supposed to be finished around 2:30 am. I could not stay for the entire program, of course because I was quite tired and second was not fun to be there alone.
It was interesting to see how nice these people gather and dance without boundaries of any kind. Old and young side by side from different colors and races were there and dancing. I received quite lots of pleasure from that. This is what in my opinion promotes culture of tolerance and living in harmony in a community this is in my opinion we are lacking in today Iran. This is what I believe how women and men, in general, learn to interact with one another and have fun, simultaneously.
On the other hand, what do we teach to Iranian children today? I think we teach them issues like: whose girls uniform are shorter or longer than others?! Our president will employ restrict rules on women’s uniform or mingling of the young crowd! Whose girl has talked to this guy who has not! How 1450 centuries ago people were crying and beating themselves because someone holy was murdered!

2. Swiss people think that there are three “great” mysteries: Love, beauty and time. They call it great because it is what makes life meaningful. I think these guys have mastered the tool that uses the last one: watches. Trying to master the other remaining one, I think!

3. Moving on, from these occasions:
As I said Zurich is in Teddy fever this summer. It is quite interesting the way these guys get everyone to work. According to the booklet I found. Following lions, cows and benches in the past years, this summer is teddy summer. I visited Zurich when they had cow all over the town about two years ago.
What I meant by creating job and getting people to participate in their city well-being. According to this booklet, they have invited all the artists around the Zurich municipality to design and make these teddies. Who will pay for it? The businesses that are sponsoring the program and promote their stores or banks by having the artists make one bear out of many at least expressing something about the sponsoring businesses. So, this way many artists and people who are involved with them get to work. Of course, these have incentive for many who take part directly or indirectly.

4. Ok, that was how to create jobs, moving from that topic. This handout, explains how teddy has become the teddy that we know today.
The story explains like that:

More than 100 years ago, on the 14th of November 1902, the 26th President of the U.S.A., Teodore (Teddy) Roosevelt was in the south to settle a border dispute between Louisiana and Mississippi. As he was a passionate huntsman, a bear hunt was organized in his honor but the hunt was unsuccessful as no bears were to be found. The beater managed at last to find a young, injured bear and used line to bind him to a tree, so that the president could shoot him. The president refused to bag his prize in such unsporting manner. A caricaturist named Clifford K. Berryman captured the hunting scene on the paper and provided it with a caption making reference to the territory dispute reading: “Drawing the line in Mississippi”. This caricature appeared in the November 16, 1902 edition of the Washington post. The caricaturist continued to include the little bear in all of his later caricatures of the President, thus making it a symbol for Mr. Roosevelt. Rose and Morris Michtom were among the readers of the newspaper and owned a little shop in Brooklyn, N.Y. inspired by the drawing, they created a little toy bear and placed him in the shop window along with the caricature. At the same time, they wrote to President Roosvelt to request his permission to name the bear “Teddy’s bear” after the President own nickname. The bear was a success and so well marketed that in no time all the small shop grew into the first American Teddy bear factory. The ideal Novelty and Toy Company. Also in 1902 in Germany, Richard Steiff, the nephew of the famous Margarete Steiff developed the first jointed bear. In the following years to bear was mass-produced and before long was also available in Switzerland. That was the beginning of the teddy’s campaign to win the world!
Two pictures of the event:


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