Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Operation Val-Fajer 8!

Mr. Hossein Alayei, one of the Islamic Republic of Iran commander in Sepah during Iran and Iraq war has written a short article stating how operation Val-fajer 8 has been started and was maintained throughout 2 years as a successful and well thought operation in which the entire Arvand Rood (Arvand river) and Fav islands were taken in the hands of Iranian army and Sepah.
The article describes in some details how Sepah soldiers crossed Arvand rood (Arvand river) with support of Iran army in the night to take over of Iraqi bankers and army centers across Arvand rood. Simultaneously, they attack Fav and took over the Island which remained at the hands of Iran for almost two years, according to him.
The article is Memoriam and perhaps does not need to get to the details of how the successful or unsuccessful it was.

However, in my opinion few important theme Mr. Alayei fails to remind the readers. Firsly, why the operation Val-fajr 8 has ever started? Had we not taken Iranian land completely back in those days? Was it necessary to start this operation at all? Doesn't that explain that Iran became the aggressive party in the war? Was it worth to put so many soldiers life in jeopardy in an operation that 2 years later was considered total loss? 

I think it is important we learn how brave those Iranians defended Iranian land, but it is even more important the actions and decisions made during those years being criticized. It is important we learn from the past knowing what went wrong and how things could have been better!
You can read about the operations Val-fajer 8 here.


radius said...

Hi Alireza, reading your thoughts about this "heroic strike" during the Iran-Iraq-war, I had to recall Brecht"s masterpiece "Galileo Galilei", where the astronomer has a dispute with his young student Andrea, who challenges the old master with the remark “Unhappy is the land that breeds no heroes!” “No,” Galileo replies, “unhappy is the land that needs a hero.”

From my own experience I have to say that the army is the least likely place to find human heroism. The army is always a stupid machinery of subordination and oppression. Showing braveness while the bullets fly over your head and the land-mines click beneath your boots - some consider it heroism, I would call it stupid. I think it is more likely to find heroes in daily life, there where individual people resist the ruling politics, where they act alone, because they are not protected and promoted by the military machinery. I think in Iran there always were and always will be plenty of people who show braveness in what they do.

Unknown said...

Dear Alireza,
I remember mottos like "Karbala, Karbala, we are coming", or "The way of Qods goes through Karbala" from the first years of the Iran-Iraq war. The latter means they intended to conquer even Jerusalem!
I beleive in the begining years of revolution, some people had the illusion that the Islam they have re-established in Iran can be universal, as it became in the first century after the prophet with the Arab conquests.
Scary, I know.


Unknown said...

I agree with you radius, totally.
I also recall what you refer to Alyeh. but I assume that is where world become suspicious towards IRI for the fact that if they are strong enough, may be they will think of invading counties?

radius said...

Dear Alyeh and Alireza, Iran had a glorious history, when the ideas, arts, science and philosophy that came from there were so innovative, unique and fine, that they naturally "conquered" and influenced other civilisations. But at least since 34 years, the political, cultural oppression and dominance of a backward orientated politics stopped all this. Indeed, the only "option" that remains now to demonstrate international importance is by making same military noise. But still, I am very optimistic that IRI wont go as far, usually they are more big-mouth than risking a real military conflict. At least historically, Iran never showed any appetite to attack other nations. But both of you might sense more hidden signals than me. Another Iranian blogger, Bahmani, also suspects a more aggressive foreign politics of IRI in the future. Have a look here:

regards Radius

Unknown said...

Dear Radius,
Both the pre-Islamic glory and the lid-Islamic golden age of Iran were at the time when on the one hand the Iranians had interaction with the elite of other lands, and on the other, when they enjoyed peace and prosperity in the home land. I admit that the military power is a way to secure peace in the country and thus leading to prosperity, but without tact of the rulers it can never guarantee peace. The rulers need also remember that if they want the country to be glorious in the eyes of the other nations, they have to open the doors to other thoughts, arts and sciences. What is happening at the moment is keeping with censure of the domestic possibilities of creativity and curtailing the communications, using the military power. This will deprive the nation from the slightest possibilities of progress, and what I am worried about is the fact that cultural progress is not even among the plans of the present rulers.